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5 Classic Road Trip Songs

Windows down, music blasts

Are you tired of staying put after four months of working from home? While one of the easiest way to protect yourself from covid-19 is to stay at home, experts say that road trips are a safer way to travel simply because you are interacting with less people. The real magic of road trips take place in the journey, the moments enhanced by a spectacular playlist. Which is why I have put together 5 classic road trip songs for your next road trip. Grab your keys, get ready to crank up the volume, I dare you not to sing along. (I personally believe this cannot be done.)

1. I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) by The Proclaimers

Truly one of the best road trip songs of all time, the one song that could unify the entire car in foot-thumping and over-the-top singing. This ludicrously catchy tune by Scottish duo the Proclaimers is simply hard to refuse.

2. Born to Run by Bruce Springsteen

A perfect escape anthem literally about driving and running away from a small town and getting to places you want to be. The fast tempo, rebellious ballad will get you to wail along “baby, we were born to run!”

3. American Pie by Don McLean

A timeless rock and roll classic, a road trip must. Even though it is super lengthy (8 minutes and 36 seconds), the miles seem to just fall away as you sing along.

4. Don’t Stop Believin’ by Journey

Admit it, you know every word to this power ballad. Thanks to Glee, you have heard of this sung at least 6 times. Don’t be ashamed, “hold on to that feeling,” and belt them out.

5. Good as Hell by Lizzo, Ariana Grande

This women empowerment song is guaranteed to leave you feeling “good as hell” all day. But do try to keep your hands behind the wheel while you dance in your seat and do your “hair toss”.

Honourable mentions:
Dancing Queen by ABBA
Kokomo by Beach Boys
Viva la Vida by Coldplay
We Are Young by Fun
Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond
I Lived by One Republic

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